$1,500 - Pregnancy Resource Center to help upgrade their computers and equipment to better serve their mission.
$2,000 - The Growing Place to help fund the professional development of staff and for the purchase of Montessori materials for their classroom.
$1,000 - Allen County Endowment Association to help fund the building of an activities building/training facility for the use of Allen student athletes and community members.
$1,500 - Humanity House to help fund Christmas food baskets and children's coats, hats and gloves for people in need.
$1,500 - Iola Chamber of Commerce to help support the Iola Area Chamber of Commerce & Tourism for planning and executing community events.
$2,000 - Hope Unlimited to help fund assistance with their support groups in the categories of Financial Empowerment, Youth Empowerment and Sexual Assault.
$2,000 - Wings of Warriors to help pay for fuel, and upkeep on a vehicle to continue the Ride for Life program.
$2,000 - Humboldt Daycare &Preschool, Inc to help fund their classroom addition.
$3,000 - Humanity House to help fund food pantry and to purchase food baskets during the holidays.
$2,000 - Humboldt Trailhead to help fund the Boating at Base Camp project.
$2,000 - Kansas Food Bank Warehouse to help fund work providing food for chronically hungry Kansans in the lola and Humboldt areas.
$2,000 - Phi Tau Omega Sorority to help provide gas cards and donations to help healthcare patients.
$2,000 - Wesley United Methodist Church to help fund your By My Side tutoring program.
$2,000 - ACARF to help fund vouchers for spaying and vaccination of dogs and cats in Allen County.
$2,000 - CITF/Pride to fund efforts to preserve the history of Iola including historic signs.
$2,000 - Elsmore Ruritan for their food pantry.
$2,500 - GALS FCE to help fund flashing school zone lights.
$2,000 - Tri-Valley Developmental Services to help purchase AEDs for locations in Iola and Humboldt.
$3,000 - USD 257 Alumni Endowment Assn. to help fund Project bookshelf.
$5,000 - Allen County Recycling to support recycling efforts in Allen County.
$2,000 - Elsmore Community Ruritan for their food pantry.
$2,000 - Humanity House to purchase beef and Christmas boxes.
$1,000 - Iola Chamber of Commerce to help pay for murals around the square.
$1,390 - Iola Public Library to purchase AEDs.
$2,000 - Iola Senior Center for the expansion of display areas.
$2,500 - Elsmore Community Ruritan for their food pantry.
$2,000 - Humanity House for Christmas boxes.
$2,500 - Humboldt Daycare for booster seats and the simplex fire alarm.
$2,500 - Iola CITF/Pride to help the efforts to build a splash park in Iola.
$500 - Moran Youth Recreation for equipment upgrades & supplies as requested.
$2,500 - Pregnancy and Family Center for various child protection equipment.
$2,500 - SEK Multi-County Health Department for Tick-Borne Disease prevention.
$2,000 - Allen Regional Transit to help with their operating expenses.
$2,000 - Elsmore Ruritan to help fund their food pantry.
$500 - Hope Unlimited for renovations to their building.
$2,500 - Humanity House for Christmas food boxes.
$2,000 - Humboldt Lion's Club to make renovations to their vision screener.
$2,000 - Iola Middle School to purchase an AED for traveling with sports teams.
$1,000 - Marmaton Valley High School to make renovations to their weight room.
$1,000 - Moran Youth Recreation to purchase rec equipment and jerseys for the children.
$2,000 - Pregnancy and Family Center Serving Southeast Kansas to fund their project
safe with access to car seats and pick-n-play bedside sleepers.
Your Community Foundation
PO Box 44 Iola, Kansas 66749, United States
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YCF is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization EIN #43-1923000
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